A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

74 Chase Hill Road, Warwick, MA 01378
We have a diversified livestock farm with our 100% grass fed certified organic dairy herd as the centerpiece. Our cow herd is made up of Normande and Jerseys. We produce raw milk, artisan cheese (hand made and aged in our cheese cave built into the hillside on the farm), beef, pork, chicken, and eggs.
Product Info:
Raw milk, cheese, beef, pork, chicken, and eggs.
Contact Info:
Benjamin and Laura Wells-Tolley
Farmers Markets
Organic Farm
Raw Milk Farm
Farmers Markets Info:
Amherst Farmers’ Market on Saturdays
Lexington Farmers’ Market on Tuesdays
Farmstand Info:
Our farm store is open every day from 7am-7pm all year round.