A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

Bug Hill Farm is a small, certified organic, uncommon fruit farm in Ashfield, MA. We cultivate a wide variety of crops including red and black raspberries, black currants, wild and cultivated high-bush blueberries, native elderberry and elderflower, and native Aronia (chokeberries).
We craft our nutritious and delicious non-alcoholic cordials, shrubs (drinking vinegars) and conserves in small batches in our commercial kitchen using local produce (including our own black currants, aronia, raspberries, rhubarb and mint) and other, mostly organic fruit. Our shrubs and cordials are very versatile - they can be used in cocktails, added to seltzer, drizzled on ice cream and yogurt, or combined with olive oil to make salad dressing. Our conserves and chutneys are delicious with cheeses, on sandwiches, as a topping for ice-cream or pancakes. All our products are lightly sweetened with honey or organic sugar and contain no added water or preservatives.
Please visit our website to find Bug Hill Farm recipes, pick-your-own dates, to purchase our products online, find a local retailer or farmers market we attend, or learn about upcoming workshops and events.
Please check our website for availability: Kiss of Cassis - Black Currant Cordial; Fruit Shrubs (Raspberry, Raspberry Mint, Strawberry, Strawberry Rhubarb, Black Raspberry, Red Goose, Black and Blue, Brambleberry, Spiced Pear, Crabapple Ginger; Conserves (Berry Noir, Black and Blue, Blueberry Lavender, Triple Berry Blast, Gooseberry Chutney).
413 628-3980
Cultivated high bush blueberries; black currants; black and red raspberries; elderberry; aronia. Picking dates will be listed on our website.
Please check our website for up to date market info
Please contact us at samandchar@bughillfarm.org or 413 628-3980
On Farm store